Paypal Info
Bank: FNB
Account Name: Running4Pads
Account Number: 6276 1711 962
Branch Code: 201809
Running4Pads has signed up with Zapper to make donating even easier!
Download the Zapper app, scan the code below and start donating. Its as simple as that!
If you would like to get involved or assist in a way we haven't mentioned, feel free to send us an email with your suggestion. We can take it from there.
There are many ways for people to get involved with #running4pads
Social Media
Like, share, follow and RT our page / content. Every mention of our pages on social media as well as any shares likes or RT's we get creates awareness not only about the #running4pads campaign, but about the millions of girls of who cant afford basic sanitary items on a monthly basis which may result in them missing days of school. The more we can discuss this topic and create awareness, the more can be done to fight this social injustice.
One packet of pads goes a long way. One packet of pads donated can keep a girl in school for up to five days. We welcome any donations towards #running4pads. We prefer donations of physical packets of pads, if you want to transfer cash we have a pay pal account (details below).
Become an Ambassador
If you would like to run for #running4pads get in touch with us.
We ask our ambassadors to become collection points as well as create awareness on social media. Lastly we also request that when you run, you wear one of our branded patches.